On May 4, the NOUVEAU and the NICKEFFECT will be hosting a joint webinar session where they will introduce both projects and the impact that their collaboration will have.
This webinar will provide a comprehensive overview of the projects, their goals, and the key outcomes that they aim to achieve. It will also give the audience the opportunity to ask questions and engage with the project teams.
The webinar will take place online from 2:00pm to 3:00pm CEST and will count with the participation of:
> Danijel Pavlica and Marina Domingas, from F6S
> Nerea Bilbao Bustinza, from the European Health and Digital Executive Agency
> Maria Lekka , from CIDETEC
> Marijke Jacobs, from VITO
Date:May 4Time: 14:00 – 15:00
Watch again the webinar